Inciter Art

a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Arts | People Operations | Human Resources

By Tim Cynova
November 16th, 2017

The Education/Experience Proxy is what I call the phrase organizations include near the end of their job postings: “High School Diploma Required,” “Bachelor Degree Required,” or “Masters Degree Preferred.” Please nix it. It’s a lazy proxy used to approximate experience or ability that’s making it harder for otherwise talented people to be a part of your candidate pool. It neglects people who learn differently, or have different life experience, from being considered for positions.

Blog Feature

How We Work | Updates and Announcements | Arts

By Adam Huttler
November 14th, 2017

Photo by Arif Wahid on Unsplash Today, we’re announcing the creation of a new entity to advance Fractured Atlas’s mission of democratizing access to the arts and advancing human creativity: Exponential Creativity Ventures, a new investment enterprise that will make early stage investments in start-ups that are innovating at the intersection of technology and human creative capacity.

bees buzzing around some white flowers

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Blog Feature

Big Ideas | Arts | Culture | Human Resources

By Tim Cynova
November 3rd, 2017

Hi, Philadelphia artists and arts organizations! I’ll be in town for some meetings this Wednesday, November 8 and have a few open windows in my schedule.

Blog Feature

Updates and Announcements | Arts

By Miles Freeman
October 19th, 2017

Next Thursday, October 26 thirty artists and arts administrators from various disciplines and walks of life will gather in Detroit to learn the ins and outs of running for political office as the inaugural cohort of Artist Campaign School.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Arts | Cartooning

By Sabrina Cedeño
September 28th, 2017

From time to time, we feature one of our fiscally sponsored projects who have been successful at using our program to advance their art/cause/career. Today, we’re featuring Drawn To Help.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Arts | Books | Self Improvement

By Arno Mokros
September 14th, 2017

If you’re looking for an older sister to help guide you along and offer both practical counsel and bottomless encouragement, Ciara Pressler has got your back. Game Plan is a workbook to help you think through and define your personal, career, and project goals. Pressler works with artists, creatives, and other innovators collaboratively to develop strategic plans to achieve their missions, and founded the Pressler Collaborative, a marketing collective devoted to that work. In that vein, this is not a book offering advice or “how-to” information. This book won’t tell you what your game plan should be, but rather how to go about crafting one, giving you blank space on the page to jot all your ideas and dreams down, and refine an actionable plan to meet those goals.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | Arts | Culture | People Operations | Human Resources

By Tim Cynova
September 12th, 2017

Do you want, or need, to talk with someone about an HR challenge your cultural organization is facing? For the next few months, the three members of the Fractured Atlas People team — Nicola Carpenter, Jillian Wright, and me — will be available a few hours each week for anyone interested in picking our HR brains. We’re offering this free of charge as a way to share experience and expertise with cultural sector colleagues.

Blog Feature


By Aisha Jordan
August 30th, 2017

Attention all presenting artists and arts organizations! If you’re fiscally sponsored by Fractured Atlas and interested in applying for the MAP Fund, keep reading to find out important grant review deadlines, and how to apply.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | Arts | Soapbox | Team | Teamwork

By Angelique Weger
August 16th, 2017

Image credit: Editor’s note: this post originally appeared on Angélique’s blog, Dev Journal. I’ve been thinking a lot about teams and, based on my own lucky experiences, what makes them work well. I’ve been at Fractured Atlas for three months now and am legitimately delighted at how quickly and easily I gelled with my new team. The one thing I keep coming back to when trying to describe why I’ve been able to connect so quickly and accomplish so much is this: safety.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | Advocacy | Arts | Campaign

By Lauren Ruffin
August 4th, 2017

Image credit: @backfromthefuture2 via Twenty20 If “weekend protesting” has replaced your normal “weekend brunching,” if you now have your Member of Congress’ phone number programmed into your phone, if you have Facebooked, Tweeted, Instagrammed, or Pinned any sort of political commentary in the past several months… THIS POST IS FOR YOU.