Inciter Art
a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.
Adam Huttler is the founder and Managing General Partner of Exponential Creativity Ventures. As a six-time founder, his career’s through-line has been about helping mission-driven companies use technology to drive innovative revenue strategies. Adam is best known as the founder of Fractured Atlas, a social enterprise SaaS platform that helps artists and creative businesses thrive.
Big Ideas | Fundraising | Games | Soapbox | Startup
Adam Huttler
February 22nd, 2018
By Adam Huttler, CEO of Exponential Creativity Ventures As faithful readers know, after 20 years at Fractured Atlas I have moved on to a new role at Exponential Creativity Ventures, an investment fund backing startups developing technology for creativity. Fractured Atlas created Exponential Creativity Ventures as a separate but integrated parallel track for achieving its vision of maximizing humanity’s creative potential.
How We Work | Updates and Announcements | Arts
Adam Huttler
November 14th, 2017
Photo by Arif Wahid on Unsplash Today, we’re announcing the creation of a new entity to advance Fractured Atlas’s mission of democratizing access to the arts and advancing human creativity: Exponential Creativity Ventures, a new investment enterprise that will make early stage investments in start-ups that are innovating at the intersection of technology and human creative capacity.
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Impact Investing | Venture Capital
Adam Huttler
October 16th, 2017
Back in February, I announced that I’d be temporarily stepping aside from ordinary CEO duties at Fractured Atlas to work on creating a new impact investing fund. Dubbed The Exponential Creativity Fund, this new effort would invest in entrepreneurs and innovators at the intersection of technology and human creativity. For the first couple of months I was pretty good at posting regular updates and meditations, but I confess I have been remiss of late. Time to get caught up!
Big Ideas | Artificial Intelligence | Creativity | Soapbox
Adam Huttler
May 15th, 2017
Time for another exciting update on adventures in impact investing during my not-a-sabbatical! (If that sentence doesn’t ring any bells, you might want to read the two linked posts to get caught up. Not a requirement, though!)
Arts And Culture | Exponential Creativity | Impact Investing | Venture Capital
Adam Huttler
April 3rd, 2017
A little over a month ago, I announced that I was stepping aside from day-to-day Fractured Atlas responsibilities for 6 months to explore the idea of launching a new impact investing fund. Now that I’ve been doing this for a few weeks, I thought I’d share a brief update for anyone who’s interested in stalking me.
Art And Technology | Exponential Creativity | Impact Investing | Social Entrepreneurship | Venture Capital
Adam Huttler
February 22nd, 2017
by Adam Huttler, CEO of Fractured Atlas From March 1, 2017 through August 31, 2017, I’m going to be stepping away from all day-to-day Fractured Atlas management responsibilities. We’ve taken to calling this my “sabbatical”, but to be honest I kind of hate the term.
Big Ideas | Advocacy | BlackLivesMatter | Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression | Equity
Adam Huttler
September 21st, 2016
Source: Flickr user Johnny Silvercloud On Friday, Terence Crutcher was gunned down by police in Tulsa. Then yesterday, police in Charlotte shot and killed Keith Lamont Scott. They are just the latest in a terrible and seemingly unending string of unarmed black Americans who have been killed by police in this country.
Big Ideas | Updates and Announcements | Arts Business | Artsentreawards
Adam Huttler
February 23rd, 2016
This past year saw new paradigms for defining entrepreneurship in the arts and culture sector, and we had an amazing group of nominees. We are excited to honor these five organizations whose experimentation and innovation in the field truly stood out. By creatively leveraging the intersection between technology and the arts, giving voice to social justice issues, and creating revolutionary transparency around budgeting, these organizations are each in their own way using cutting edge solutions to deliver their messages.
Leadership | Mindfulness | Creativity
Adam Huttler
November 19th, 2015
It’s no secret that entrepreneurs and CEOs suffer from higher than average rates of anxiety and depression. No doubt part of that stems from the stress and loneliness of the job. But there may be another factor at play, namely our relentless focus on the future.
Fiscal Sponsorship | B Corp | Fundraising
Adam Huttler
September 22nd, 2015
Big news from this weekend: Kickstarter has decided to become a “public benefit corporation.”