Inciter Art
a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.
Big Ideas | Artists and Members | Best of the Blog
Nina Berman
December 14th, 2021
One of the best parts of working with so many artists and arts organizations is that we get to meet a lot of fascinating people.
Big Ideas | How We Work | Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression | Best of the Blog
Nina Berman
December 13th, 2021
Fractured Atlas believes in being honest about what a job is, but not fatalistic. Your job is not your family, it’s a way you exchange your labor for money. But it doesn’t have to be soul-crushing or toxic. We are interested in creating humane workplaces, whether that means ensuring fair pay as part of antiracism at work or exploring exactly what we mean when we talk about toxic workplaces.
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Tips and Tools | Fundraising | Best of the Blog
Nina Berman
December 7th, 2021
We’re closing out the year looking back at the information and advice we’ve given our community of artists and sharing our favorites. We know that artists need financial resources to make your work and getting those resources often means fundraising.
Tips and Tools | Best of the Blog
Nina Berman
December 7th, 2021
Looking back at the past year, we’re rounding up our favorite articles on a number of topics. Here are the best pieces of advice we’ve shared about marketing for artists; from getting into the mindset to market yourself to figuring out what kind of content you should be sharing on social media.
Tips and Tools | Best of the Blog
Nina Berman
December 6th, 2021
On this blog, we share a variety of tips and tools to help support artists in your creative practices, from managing the nuts and bolts of a creative life (what’s a contract, after all?) to building better economies for artists (we’re big fans of cooperatives). Here are some of our favorite tips and tool articles from 2021.
Tips and Tools | Best of the Blog
Nina Berman
December 15th, 2020
The core mission of Fractured Atlas is to support artists. We do this through our programs, through our member support systems, and through our writing. We publish articles about the big questions on artists’ minds like finances and finding time to make art. We also share funding opportunities. We also give you the nitty-gritty. Here are some of the best articles about tips, tools, and tricks for artists that we published in 2020.
Big Ideas | Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression | Best of the Blog
Nina Berman
December 15th, 2020
As this year comes to a close, we’re reflecting on the writing we’ve shared and the conversations we’ve had on the blog. We’ve shared resources that we’ve read and our own journey towards becoming a more anti-racist organization through strategies like caucusing over the years. This year, BLM protests in the wake of George Floyd’s murder sparked a new urgency to these conversations and wider interest in having them (especially in the arts).
Artists and Members | Best of the Blog
Nina Berman
December 15th, 2020
Fractured Atlas exists in a unique place in the arts ecosystem. We work with artists and arts organizations, communicate frequently with colleagues across the arts, nonprofit and creative fields, and seek out other organizations who are experimenting with creating more equitable workplaces.
Big Ideas | How We Work | Remote Working | Best of the Blog
Nina Berman
December 15th, 2020
The Fractured Atlas team thinks and writes a lot about working; how we work, how we see others structuring their workplaces, how we think the nature of work can and should change in changing times. Often, this comes through Work. Shouldn’t. Suck. Two of the pieces of workplace culture that we have focused on a lot over the years are remote working and anti-racism in the workplace.
Grants | Fundraising | Best of the Blog
Nina Berman
December 15th, 2020
Our mission as an organization is to support artists so that you can make the work that is inspiring and resonant to you and your community. One of the primary ways we help you do that is by helping artists fundraise.