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Inciter Art

a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.

Blog Feature

Shared Leadership | Board of Directors

By Russell Willis Taylor
July 15th, 2020

This is the final of four posts. Each tackles a piece of the elephant that is the recent Fractured Atlas move to a four-person “Chiefs Executive.”

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | People Operations | Shared Leadership | Board of Directors

By Christopher Mackie
March 26th, 2020

This is the third of four posts. Each tackles a piece of the elephant that is the recent Fractured Atlas move to a four-person “Chiefs Executive.”

bees buzzing around some white flowers

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Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | People Operations | Shared Leadership | Board of Directors

By Christopher Mackie
February 27th, 2020

This is the second of four posts. Each tackles a piece of the elephant that is the recent Fractured Atlas move to a four-person “Chiefs Executive.”

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | People Operations | Shared Leadership | Board of Directors

By Christopher Mackie
February 14th, 2020

This is the first of four posts: post #4 is co-authored with our Board Chair, Russell Willis Taylor. Each tackles a piece of the elephant that is the recent Fractured Atlas move to a four-person “Chiefs Executive.”

Blog Feature

How We Work | People Operations | Shared Leadership | Board of Directors

By Andrew Taylor
January 24th, 2020

As of January 1, 2020, Fractured Atlas has no physical headquarters, no home office, no official shared workspace whatsoever. As you can read elsewhere, the organization (for which I’m honored to serve on the board) decided not to renew its lease on its long-standing Manhattan office, instead embracing an entirely “virtual” workforce.

Blog Feature

How We Work | Leadership | Change Management | People Operations | Human Resources | Shared Leadership | Staffing And Recruiting | Teamwork

By Tim Cynova
October 9th, 2019

Challenge How does a Board of Directors (re)craft its annual assessment of the CEO when that role is filled by a four-person, shared, non-hierarchical leadership team? This was precisely the challenge the Fractured Atlas Board faced in early 2019. Below, in detail, we describe the process we crafted to answer this question.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | Leadership | People Operations | Human Resources | Shared Leadership

By Tim Cynova
March 30th, 2018

Photo by Oliver Fluck. (Image unfortunately does not represent the setting of my actual think week, which is more along the lines of small apartment in New York City.) I’m going off-the-grid for a sorta annual Think Week. On the docket for this year: process and distill learning from material related to non-hierarchical, shared leadership teams, the role of the CEO, and — if I have time (fingers crossed) — global virtual teams.