Inciter Art

a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.

Blog Feature

Updates and Announcements | Tips and Tools | Arts | Bootcamp

By Sophia Park
November 2nd, 2018

Fractured Atlas is excited to host four free workshops for artists and creative organizations in the Cleveland area on November 15 and 16, 2018. Through a generous grant from The George Gund Foundation, Fractured Atlas will share with Cleveland’s creative communities a business bootcamp; workshops on conflict resolution and diversity, equity, and inclusion; and a discussion of the intersection of arts, policy, and activism.

Blog Feature

Updates and Announcements | Tips and Tools | Arts | Chicago

By Anna Brickman
November 1st, 2018

Fractured Atlas is thrilled to be hosting the second Artist Campaign School which will be held in May 2019 in Chicago, Illinois. This program is a series of all-expenses-paid trainings to recruit and mentor artists and arts administrators for elected office. Artist Campaign School Chicago will bring in top-tier campaign veterans from across political parties and ideologies as trainers for approximately 100 accepted applicants. The intense two-day session will cover topics including voter targeting, message and policy development, media training, fundraising, and social media strategies. Travel, hotel accommodations and meals for the trainees will all be funded through a generous donation from The Joyce Foundation. Applications for Artist Campaign School Chicago are currently being accepted until January 14th, 2019. Applicants will be reviewed on a rolling basis and those selected will be notified in mid-February 2019. Fractured Atlas will be working with the various other arts service organizations and one Super PAC, all of whom share a vision of seeing a greater representation of artists in the political process. Cloud Gate, a Chicago public sculpture by artist Sir Anish Kapoor Lauren Ruffin, Chief External Relations Officer of Fractured Atlas explained, “Artists are exactly the kinds of people we need to run for office. Being an artist is all about creative problem solving, innovation, and collaboration — perfect skills for making change in local communities. When artists see something wrong in the world, they want to get involved and fix it. But when that something is politics, it’s hard to figure out where to begin. So, we decided to join with other dedicated partners to launch ‘Artist Campaign School’ to support first time candidates who want to impact policy decisions which have direct implications for the arts and cultural community — and shape the kinds of neighborhoods they live in. Specifically, we are grateful to partner with the Arts Alliance to bring this program to Chicago.” Claire Rice, the Executive Director of the Arts Alliance Illinois added that, “The Arts Alliance is pleased to partner with Fractured Atlas on the next iteration of Artist Campaign School, with thanks to The Joyce Foundation for their support of this program. This non-partisan effort, taking place in Chicago for its second iteration, offers Illinois creative practitioners the opportunity to join national colleagues to deepen their civic engagement and learn how to have a direct impact on policy change. We urge our talented, committed, and incredibly civically active Illinois creative community to apply to join us for this unique offering in May of 2019!” This program would not be possible without the generous donations of The Joyce Foundation. The Joyce Foundation is a nonpartisan private foundation that invests in public policies and strategies to advance racial equity and economic mobility for the next generation in the Great Lakes region. The Director of The Joyce Foundation’s Cultural Program, Tracie Hall notes that, “The siting of an Artist Campaign School in the Midwest, and in Chicago, more specifically, feels timely. Some of the most critical community advocacy efforts in the region have artists and cultural workers at their centers. Supporting Arts Alliance Illinois in hosting this important program aligns to the Joyce Foundation’s longstanding commitment to bolstering artists’ capacity as civic leaders and stewards.” Joining Fractured Atlas in this effort are The Joyce Foundation (Chicago), Arts Alliance Illinois (Chicago), Alternate Roots (Atlanta), Art Up (Memphis), Creative Capital (New York), Creative Many (Detroit), For Freedoms (DC), The Laundromat Project (New York), National Performance Network (New Orleans), and Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (San Francisco). Additional partners are also expected to join the effort. To learn more, please visit Join Us: Click here to become become a member. Fractured Atlas on Social: Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter | Facebook

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Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Arts | Chile | Artists and Members

By Molaundo Jones
October 30th, 2018

Paula Tejeda (Photo: Kevin N. Hume/S.F. Examiner) by Molaundo Jones, Social Media Specialist at Fractured Atlas Paula Tejeda is founder of the project Cine Chileno in San Francisco, an annual film festival celebrating Chilean filmmakers, and the traditional Chilean-style delicatessan Chile Lindo. Her work seeks to create community through the sharing of Chilean film, cuisine, and culture. Paula has been a member of Fractured Atlas since January 2018.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Arts | Fundraising | Writing | Artists and Members

By Molaundo Jones
October 24th, 2018

by Molaundo Jones, Social Media Specialist at Fractured Atlas Susan drennan Gabriel bunn Susan drennan Gabriel bunn has been a member of Fractured Atlas since July 2018. Her project SuzeMuze Studio presents stories and songs to impact solutions and expand public awareness. SuzeMuze Studio’s work explores critical issues ranging from the rise of suicide rates, #MeToo, PTSD, abuse, healing, addiction, and trauma recovery.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Arts | Immigrants | Restaurant | Artists and Members

By Lauren Lattimore
September 27th, 2018

By Lauren Lattimore, Program Associate at Fractured Atlas Photographer and writer Katie Salisbury at the first installation of her exhibition “Thank You, Enjoy” in NYC What is Thank You, Enjoy? Thank You, Enjoy is a photojournalism project and exhibition that tells the stories of immigrants who work in the Chinese restaurant industry in New York through pictures and detailed bilingual captions. It challenges people to consider the working conditions and personal sacrifices of Chinese immigrants, as well as what it means to be American.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Arts | Fundraising | Artists and Members

By Molaundo Jones
September 25th, 2018

by Molaundo Jones, Social Media Specialist at Fractured Atlas Susie Williams and Terry Crane Seattle-based Acrobatic Conundrum creates technically rigorous, ensemble-based circus shows that seek to contribute to a more courageous and connected world. Founded in 2012, the company has been a member of Fractured Atlas since 2015.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Fundraising | Gender Equality

By Arno Mokros
September 20th, 2018

At Fractured Atlas, we strive to exhibit a number of core behavioral values in our daily work. Among those is a value that cuts to the heart of how we seek to engage with everyone we come in contact with, whether we’re assisting one of our members or working with our colleagues at Fractured Atlas HQ. It goes without saying: we should all be excellent to each other.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Arts | Fundraising | Sculpture | Artists and Members

By Molaundo Jones
September 17th, 2018

by Molaundo Jones, Social Media Specialist at Fractured Atlas Marsian De Lellis, Los Angeles, photo: William Short Marsian De Lellis is an interdisciplinary artist and writer whose practice incorporates sculpture, objects, installation, and time-based performance. Their work investigates contemporary forms of animism, death, sexuality, and addiction through the use of dolls, artificial figures, cutouts, pop-ups, performing objects, and wearable architecture. Marsian has been a member of Fractured Atlas since 2014.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Arts | Fundraising | Artists and Members

By Molaundo Jones
August 27th, 2018

by Molaundo Jones, Social Media Specialist at Fractured Atlas Aisha Jordan, creator of Hashtag The Show Aisha Jordan is creator of #HashtagTheShow, a sketch comedy web series acted out in live action “hashtags.” The series offers cultural commentary on society from the point of view of people of color.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Arts | Fundraising | Artists and Members

By Molaundo Jones
August 18th, 2018

by Molaundo Jones, Social Media Specialist at Fractured Atlas Ryan Gilliam, founding member and Executive Director of Fourth Arts Block NYC Ryan Gilliam is the Executive Director of Fourth Arts Block (FABnyc). FABnyc’s mission is to strengthen the cultural vitality of the Lower East Side. Through programs and collaborations with local cultural organizations, artists, and neighborhood nonprofits, FABnyc explores how arts and culture can advance community health, inclusiveness, and equity.