Inciter Art

a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Artists and Members

By Nina Berman
April 27th, 2020

As an artist or an arts organization, you are likely inviting people to events, whether physical or virtual. You want people to attend your play, artist talk, workshop, or screening. In order to sell or distribute tickets (or even register RSVPs) ahead of time, you need a ticketing app.

Theory of Change Workbook

Theory of Change Workbook

Learn how to use the Theory of Change model to map out your plan and evaluate what's working. Subscribe to the blog and get your printable copy.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Artists and Members

By Nina Berman
April 27th, 2020

It’s challenging to keep track of all of the people who are invested in your work as an artist. Who attended your last performance? Who donated to your most recent crowdfunding campaign? How much did they pitch in? Plenty of artists keep track of this crucial information in an ad-hoc, manual way. For example, manually inputting email signups from events into a big spreadsheet or by cross-referencing your email inbox with your crowdfunding platform. While it might be tempting to keep muddling through out of habit, we recommend finding a way to consolidate this information in one useful place.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Artists and Members

By Nina Berman
April 27th, 2020

At Fractured Atlas, we want artists to have the right tools to help you best support your creative practice - whether that’s by providing a fundraising platform and a way to apply to more grants, or by sharing the ultimate guide to fundraising for artists. We want you to have the tools you need so that you can focus on realizing your unique creative vision.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Artists and Members | COVID-19

By Nina Berman
April 22nd, 2020

It is frustrating and sad to have to cancel shows and performances for the sake of public safety. You might have had to cancel your first solo show, and MFA show, or your directorial debut. Not being able to gather in person for shows or performances is emotionally challenging, and also logistically challenging. You’ll have to work through contracts, payouts, and vendors to cancel a show with as little fallout as possible.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Artists and Members | COVID-19

By Nina Berman
April 20th, 2020

On Thursday, April 16, only a few weeks after small businesses (and the big businesses that found the right loopholes) started applying for loans through the $349 billion Payment Protection Program, the funds dried up. Because freelancers and independent contractors didn’t get to start applying until April 10, they have been especially left behind by this first round of aid. Amidst very deep frustration and confusion about what comes next, there’s a bit of hope. It looks like more funding is on the way for small businesses and independent contractors.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Arts Business | Artists and Members | COVID-19

By Nathan Hewitt
April 16th, 2020

One of the most amazing things about today’s artistic world is how collaboration can happen across borders; both state borders and societal ones. People who might never have met have the opportunity to work together toward beauty, inspiration, justice, peace—and pure creative exploration. Tools to facilitate collaboration unbounded by geographic location are increasingly ubiquitous in our everyday life.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Artists and Members

By Nina Berman
March 10th, 2020

It takes more than a lone creative genius, working feverishly in seclusion, to bring a project to life. More often than not, you'll need a team to realize your creative vision. But it can be hard to know where to start getting the help you need. That’s why we’re sharing a roadmap for you to think about what kind of help you need to bring your project to life and how to find that help.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Resources

By Nina Berman
February 25th, 2020

We know that artists are not always budgetarily-inclined. Some try to avoid the whole process and others protest that budgeting inhibits the creative process. But failing to set a budget can lead to your project falling short of the masterpiece you're capable of.

Blog Feature

How We Work | Tips and Tools | Customer Service | Artists and Members

By Lauren Lattimore
February 24th, 2020

You’ve just signed up for membership to Fractured Atlas and now have questions. Maybe you’re a fiscally-sponsored project who needs our credentials to receive a nonprofit rate discount on a venue ASAP. You quickly submit your request to our support email address and wait for a reply. The rest of the day goes by: you’re wondering if your message was received and if a solution will be provided in enough time. Alas, on the next business day, you receive an email from a Fractured Atlas Program Associate. If you’re wondering what happens from the time you hit ‘send’ and our first response, here’s a quick breakdown of your email’s journey!