Inciter Art

a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | Culture | Employee Engagement | People Operations | Human Resources

By Tim Cynova
November 22nd, 2017

Why People Ops Can’t Wait Until Tomorrow This piece details a core belief of mine, and why, especially if you’re a leader in the cultural sector, I believe you should share it too. Strategic HR — or People Operations — is a senior-level management competency that needs to be embedded in every decision we make in our organizations.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Arts | People Operations | Human Resources

By Tim Cynova
November 16th, 2017

The Education/Experience Proxy is what I call the phrase organizations include near the end of their job postings: “High School Diploma Required,” “Bachelor Degree Required,” or “Masters Degree Preferred.” Please nix it. It’s a lazy proxy used to approximate experience or ability that’s making it harder for otherwise talented people to be a part of your candidate pool. It neglects people who learn differently, or have different life experience, from being considered for positions.

bees buzzing around some white flowers

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Blog Feature

Big Ideas | Learning | Professional Development | People Operations | Human Resources

By Tim Cynova
November 7th, 2017

Learning with Others to Improve Ourselves Learning new things with other people is fun! After publishing an extensive list of HR resources and announcing the launch of our Strategic HR Bootcamp in January, a colleague recently asked me where I turn for my own professional development training. Here are some of the highlights I’ve enjoyed for structured learning:

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | Bootcamp | Culture | People Operations | Human Resources

By Tim Cynova
October 18th, 2017

Deadline to Apply: November 30, 2017 I’m thrilled to announce that Fractured Atlas will be offering a one-day Strategic HR Bootcamp on Saturday, January 27, 2018 in New York City. Only 20 people will be accepted into this cohort, and the deadline to apply is November 30, 2017. (Don’t sweat, it’s a brief application with only two questions aside from your name and contact information).

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Mentorship | People Operations | Gratitude

By Tim Cynova
October 3rd, 2017

My mentor and friend, Steve Morris Over the weekend, I learned that one of my longtime mentors — Steve Morris — passed away from cancer at the end of July. Not knowing this at the time, I emailed him in August to see if he had any availability to meet up for our semi-annual breakfast this fall.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Learning | People Operations | Human Resources

By Tim Cynova
September 19th, 2017

For the Aspiring or Accidental HR Professional What resources have you found helpful in your People practice? Break out your Trapper Keeper, throw the Jansport strap over your shoulder, and sharpen your no.2 pencils. It’s back to school season! This post is full of resource recommendations for those looking to put a couple more HR arrows into their quiver.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | Arts | Culture | People Operations | Human Resources

By Tim Cynova
September 12th, 2017

Do you want, or need, to talk with someone about an HR challenge your cultural organization is facing? For the next few months, the three members of the Fractured Atlas People team — Nicola Carpenter, Jillian Wright, and me — will be available a few hours each week for anyone interested in picking our HR brains. We’re offering this free of charge as a way to share experience and expertise with cultural sector colleagues.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Change Management | People Operations | Human Resources

By Tim Cynova
June 13th, 2017

The Unwritten Employment Contract Here’s the link to this exciting video episode. Most of us in the cultural sector — and in the American workforce, for that matter — operate without a written employment contract. We apply for, and accept, jobs based on an understanding of the type of organization we’ll work for, its mission, the kind of work we’ll be expected to complete, and the conditions under which we’ll do the work: Dance company, the work of X choreographer, accounting, largely weekdays from 9 to 5.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Change Management | People Operations | Human Resources

By Tim Cynova
June 6th, 2017

The Magic of SCARF Image by herryway When was the last time you felt the Fight or Flight urge? Were you trapped on stage as a speaker droned on well past their allotted time? Was a donor giving you an earful about how you “screwed up their entire gala experience because they couldn’t have bottle service for their table”? Or, had you just received an email from your supervisor with those four dreaded words … We … need … to … talk.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Leadership | Change Management | People Operations

By Tim Cynova
May 16th, 2017

Prefer this post in an audio format? Here you go. Change comes in an assortment of flavors, each impacting people in different ways. For the most part, any change initiative is less about the thing you’re changing and more about people’s reaction to the change. Don’t believe me? See Adam’s Equity Theory, Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, or Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, for starters. The world in which we live today is constantly changing, and the rate of change feels more like it’s increasing exponentially rather than simply incrementally anymore. For organizations trying to remain relevant and effective in this environment, they’re either moving forward or falling behind.