Inciter Art

a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.

Blog Feature

Updates and Announcements | Arts Business | Cultureflash

By Fractured Atlas
February 18th, 2016

Arts, Technology, and Business Stories To Watch by Fractured Atlas Every week, we find the most interesting and important stories at the intersection of the Arts, technology, and business and share them with you. (If you’d like to get these in your e-mail inbox you can subscribe to here).

Blog Feature

Arts Business | Books

By Tim Cynova
December 21st, 2015

As you prepare to brave the roads, rails, and/or skies this holiday season, or just squirrel away under a pile of blankets, consider putting down the glowing screen and try some old school entertainment and enlightenment in the form of a book.

bees buzzing around some white flowers

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Blog Feature

Arts Business

By Holly Fisher
December 14th, 2015

What’s the most unusual place that you’ve seen a concert hosted within the last few months? We’ve had a lot of concerts in bedrooms. That’s kind of strange. There was one on that boat in San Francisco — on a house boat in San Francisco. That was cool. I wasn’t there, but I heard about it.

Blog Feature

Arts Business

By Courtney Duffy
November 16th, 2015

Robert W. Deutsch Arts & Technology Policy Fellow Courtney Duffy is part of the Fractured Atlas team that is spearheading the 2016 Arts Entrepreneurship Awards. You can find her on Twitter @cduffy90. Join the conversation at #ArtsEntreAwards.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | Tips and Tools | Arts Business | Artists and Members

By Fractured Atlas
April 2nd, 2015

by Jason Tseng, Community Engagement Specialist at Fractured Atlas On the Boards TV was recently named a 2015 Arts Entrepreneurship Awards honoree for their pioneering work in providing high definition video content to the contemporary performance world. On top of that their business model shares half of its profits directly with the artists. Project leads Lane Czaplinski and Monique Courcy sat down with us to talk about how they’re bringing contemporary performance into the Netflix age.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | Tips and Tools | Arts Business | Artists and Members

By Fractured Atlas
March 31st, 2015

by Jason Tseng, Community Engagement Specialist at Fractured Atlas Fractured Atlas recently recognized The Laundromat Project as an honoree of the 2015 Arts Entrepreneurship Awards for their pioneering work in connecting communities to their creative potential. We interviewed Executive Director Kemi Ilesanmi to find out just how The Laundromat Project is able to use artists to engage people with art when they least expect it.

Blog Feature

Arts | Arts Business

By Adam Huttler
February 23rd, 2015

We are thrilled to honor these innovators and risk-takers who embody the spirit of entrepreneurship and bring the same extraordinary creativity to the office as they do to the studio. By experimenting and challenging conventional wisdom, these four winners have developed new approaches to age-old challenges in the arts field that can serve as models and inspiration for artists everywhere.

Blog Feature

How We Work | Arts Business

By Adam Huttler
March 11th, 2009

by Adam Huttler, Executive Director at Fractured Atlas NPR ran a feature on Fractured Atlas on this morning’s Morning Edition. You can listen online if you’re interested. Thanks to Asian Pacific American Film Festival and Catalyst Theater Company for saying nice things about us!