Inciter Art
a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.
Keka Sircar
November 22nd, 2019
What is risk? Risk is uncertainty and a chance of loss. Everyone faces risk. There are everyday risks -- when you drive a car, when you’re unsure if you’ve left the stove on, if you leave your camera on the train — and then there are those risks that you encounter when making art — when you produce a play and deadlines are missed, transfer a painting and knock into a wall, throw a fundraiser and a volunteer gets food poisoning, teach a class and a student slips and falls, the list goes on.. You can try to protect yourself against risk in several ways:
Fractured Atlas
March 1st, 2016
by Scott Raker and Malcolm Evans, Program Director, Insurance and Program Associate, respectively, at Fractured Atlas You should be able to create without restraint. The suggestions below will help you manage the risks inherent to creating art:
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Big Ideas | Insurance | Arts | Soapbox
Scott Raker
February 29th, 2016
Dangerous Situation of Beagle by G. Gore. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Anyone who happened to view our live stats this February may have noticed that our Insurance Program surpassed 15,000 bound policies. This is a huge leap from when the program began to offer property and casualty options in 2007. At the time, Fractured Atlas was in many ways steering into uncharted waters. While a handful of intrepid brokers and carriers were providing insurance programs, most options were tailored for established arts companies and organizations with substantial budgets. Even though artists needed insurance policies to fulfill contracts, pursue grants, and cover their own equipment and artwork, there wasn’t really an accessible insurance option for the broader artistic community.