Inciter Art

a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression

By Nina Berman
February 23rd, 2021

Before I really entered the workforce, I assumed that the people I worked with would all be my best, most lifelong friends. Without realizing it, I had assumed that my coworkers would begin to form my core social group as I got older. That hasn’t actually happened to me, but I know why I thought it would.

Blog Feature

How We Work | Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression | Equity

By Nina Berman
February 22nd, 2021

For organizations and institutions that are on the long, and never-ending path towards anti-racism, there are a lot of fronts to work on. To increase equity, diversity, and inclusion, workplaces can and should consider everything from hiring to working conditions to benefits to meeting structures, and more.

bees buzzing around some white flowers

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Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work

By Nina Berman
February 9th, 2021

At Fractured Atlas, we’ve extolled the virtues of working remotely since before it was a requirement. We’ve talked about how it has helped us as an arts organization expand beyond New York City as a locus for staff, how it’s provided more flexibility for our staff, and allowed us to work together without some of the pressures of an office.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Artists and Members

By Nina Berman
February 2nd, 2021

2020 laid bare the ways that our current systems have been failing artists for a long time. It has also shown us new forms of collective organizing and power-building in the arts and among creative communities. We saw the limitations of individualistic, atomized approaches to succeeding or surviving in the arts, as well as the fragility of formal institutions like museums, galleries, and nonprofits. We have been inspired by artists coming together collectively, pooling resources and sharing information to help support the broader creative community. If we are building a better, more equitable arts sector in the coming year(s), we need to nourish that community.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Remote Working | Best of the Blog

By Nina Berman
December 15th, 2020

The Fractured Atlas team thinks and writes a lot about working; how we work, how we see others structuring their workplaces, how we think the nature of work can and should change in changing times. Often, this comes through Work. Shouldn’t. Suck. Two of the pieces of workplace culture that we have focused on a lot over the years are remote working and anti-racism in the workplace.

Blog Feature

How We Work

By Nina Berman
December 1st, 2020

There’s a lot of advice out there about how to interview for a job, including what kinds of questions you should ask employers. Most of that advice around what questions to ask in an interview is about positioning yourself most strongly as a candidate. It’s valuable advice, especially when you feel desperate for a paycheck and you are competing with a very qualified and very big pool of other applicants.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression

By Nina Berman
October 30th, 2020

When we talk about building a more anti-racist, anti-oppressive world, it’s often framed as doing “the work.” It’s called “the work” because it’s not something that happens overnight, and while we can approach it with joy and optimism, it is frequently difficult and painful. We know that building a better world with one another is ongoing; it doesn’t happen once every four years at the polls and it doesn’t just happen during demonstrations in the streets.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | COVID-19

By Nina Berman
September 18th, 2020

When I started at Fractured Atlas, it was mid-February and in a world that doesn’t exist anymore. My entire experience of working here has been defined by the pandemic, by trying to meet the urgent and deep needs of our community. That is to say, the onboarding has been a little unusual.

Blog Feature

Big Ideas | How We Work | Anti-Racism/Anti-Oppression

By Tim Cynova
September 10th, 2020

With my heart pounding out of my chest and feeling an urge to vomit, I raised my hand and then watched as the microphone was tossed across the cavernous room towards me. There I was, shakily holding one of those foam box microphones and standing in a room of some of the most recognized CEOs and companies in the U.S. I then opened my mouth hoping audible words would form as I nervously said that I didn’t think the Conscious Capitalism movement would be sustainable if it didn’t confront capitalism’s role in perpetuating racism and oppression.

Blog Feature

How We Work | Tips and Tools

By Aisha Jordan
September 8th, 2020

In this digital age where our cellphones are our computers and Twitter gives us the news of the day, it can feel very refreshing to hear a live person on the phone when you are trying to get in touch. At the same time, it can be a bit frustrating when you cannot get through nor receive an instant response.