Inciter Art
a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.
Big Ideas | Tips and Tools | Human Resources
Tim Cynova
August 20th, 2013
Ever wonder what it takes to attract and retain really great staff who can move your organization forward? The video below asks 26 really smart people working across sectors to tackle that very question. Last October, I was speaking with one of Fractured Atlas’s incredible Board members, Amy Wrzesniewski. Amy is an expert in Management and Organizational Behavior, and is a professor at the Yale School of Management. Anytime I need to bounce HR questions off of someone, Amy is at the top of my list. While we were meeting, three things dawned on me: (1) Amy Wrzesniewski is a genius. Also, exceedingly kind and generous. (2) The issues around attracting and retaining really great people are universal. They transcend sector. They’re not a cultural sector challenge, or a technology sector challenge. They’re not unique to for-profits or not-for-profits, the military or government. Every organization deals with similar issues. (3) Attracting and retaining great people is the key to solving the seemingly intractable problems facing so many companies today. Following our conversation, I thought, wouldn’t it be fun to gather some really smart people from across sectors to discuss this topic? (Yes, that is what I consider fun.) I began mentally listing all of the people I wanted to ask and quickly realized that the scheduling hurdles would be Herculean. Then I remembered that I co-host a little-watched internet television show — #SKYNOVA: Featuring Culture Warriors In Their Native Habitat — and we own all of the video equipment needed to create a virtual conversation.