Inciter Art

a writing, co-learning, and resource sharing space for an arts ecosystem with big ideas and bigger questions.

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | Mindfulness | People Operations

By Tim Cynova
January 4th, 2016

Seven-year-old selves rejoice During the recent holiday gift-giving season I discovered what many of you might already know: coloring books are cool again. And the seven-year-old Tim Cynova with his truck and tractor coloring book is psyched. Where have you been all these years my waxy-smelling Crayola companions?

Blog Feature

Tips and Tools | People Operations

By Tim Cynova
January 1st, 2016

We did it everyone! It’s 2016! We made it to the future! Congratulations all around. The year is filled with so much promise just waiting to be derailed by the mundane. When it comes to the constant battle of the urgent versus the important, no time management strategy lasts forever. It’s a series of strategies and tactics that will enable us to look back on 2016 with more pride at what we’ve accomplished than regret at what might have been. (Did you catch that? This year is only hours old and I just skipped ahead to the end. Life moves so quickly nowadays.)

bees buzzing around some white flowers

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Blog Feature

Customer Service | People Operations

By Tim Cynova
October 22nd, 2015

[This article was originally published on the Fractured Atlas blog, January 6, 2015] This past holiday season I found myself increasingly asking the question — WWZD? What Would Zappos Do? Why is the venue usher being so unreasonable to that couple and ruining the concert for everyone? WWZD? Why does it seem like that ticket agent is auditioning for the role of The Grinch? WWZD? Why is that person yelling at customers to separate into multiple lines when there is no signage indicating that that’s what the store prefers? WWZD?