Member Spotlight: Zeke Zelker
by Molaundo Jones, Social Media Specialist at Fractured Atlas
Zeke Zelker, creator of “Billboard”
Filmmaker and entrepreneur Zeke Zelker has been a member of Fractured Atlas for seven years. His project “The Billboard Sitters” is a 25-episode web series focusing on four people who live on a catwalk in front of a billboard in hopes of winning a mobile home and “nine-sixty” thousand dollars. “Billboard” is a movie centered on the radio station who hosts the contest and the struggles of the entrepreneur trying to salvage the station.
Where is your arts project based?
My studio is based in Easton, Pennsylvania but we maintain co-working spaces in New York and Philadelphia.
How has Fractured Atlas benefitted your artistic practice?
Fractured Atlas has given me the ability to raise funding through donations, find audition/rehearsal spaces, as well as qualify for discounts on theatre rentals and advertising.
How has Fractured Atlas benefitted your revenue/income generation?
I’ve used Fractured Atlas to raise money through crowdfunding.
What specific Fractured Atlas services/programs have you used?
The fiscal sponsorship program and SpaceFinder.
A scene from “Billbaord”
Why do you think artists and organizations should become members of Fractured Atlas?
I feel Fractured Atlas gets artists thinking about the business side of art and provides artists various opportunities and programs to succeed.
What has been one of your biggest challenges as an artist or for your arts project and how did you push through it?
Funding has always been our biggest challenge. We’re also doing something very different in the story telling space by telling it from two different perspectives on different platforms, thus we’ve had to do a lot of educating.
Do you have any upcoming events that people should know about?
We’re in the midst of releasing our web series “The Billboard Sitters” which is currently available on and our movie “Billboard” hits theaters on April 5th.
What is your biggest accomplishment as a result of being a Fractured Atlas member?
Our biggest accomplishment has been being able to spread our footprint to NYC and Philadelphia.
You can learn more about Zeke and The Billboard Sitters at; on Facebook at; on Instagram and Twitter @BillboardMovie; on Twitter @BillboardMovie; and on LinkedIn at
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About Molaundo Jones
Molaundo Jones is a visual artist, entrepreneur, and arts adminstrator. As Social Media Specialist, he creates strategies and content for social media marketing and works with our members to develop a comprehensive calendar of events. Molaundo is a New York native, earned his MFA in Fine Arts at the School of Visual Arts, and BA in Marketing at Morehouse College. He is founder of The Clever Agency, a communications consultancy and develops professional development programs for Queens Council on the Arts. He has also worked with the New York Foundation on the Arts' Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program and Artist as Entrepreneur Bootcamp and has served as a grant panelist for Bryant Park Corporation, Brooklyn Arts Council, and the Museum of Art and Design.