Upcoming Artist Grants and Opportunities: March 2023 Deadlines
Every month, Fractured Atlas provides a list of upcoming grants and opportunities for artists and arts-based projects so that you can discover more opportunities to get financial support and other resources for your work. As a fiscal sponsor of over 3,500 artistic projects, we provide access to grants for artists in every discipline.
If you are new to grant-seeking, check out our introduction to grants! If you’re not already fiscally-sponsored, fiscal sponsorship can give you access to a wider pool of grant opportunities as well as other tools and resources. Learn more about our fiscal sponsorship program here.
If you are fiscally sponsored, be sure to review our grant application process as you apply for these grants or any others. To keep up with future opportunities as well as other tips for artists and arts organizations, sign up to receive our weekly blog newsletter.
Here are the upcoming opportunities for March 2023. Best of luck!
Surel’s Place Residency
Founded in memory of Surel Mitchell in January of 2012. Surel’s Place has become an integral part of Idaho’s art community. Surel’s Place accepts applications from visual, literary, and performing artists and have included painters, new-genre artists, sculptors, choreographers, writers, and composers.
Geographic Focus
March 1, 2023
South Arts Presentation Grants
Presentation Grants are an opportunity for organizations in South Arts' nine-state region to receive a fee support to present Southern guest film directors, visual and performing artists, or writers from outside of the presenter's state. Projects must include both a public presentation (film screening, performance, reading, or exhibition) and an educational/community engagement component. The grant requires a dollar-for-dollar cash match (for example, an applicant that requests $7,500 must provide a $7,500 cash match for a project with a $15,000 artist fee).
Geographic Focus
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee
March 1, 2023
Bard Graduate Center Visiting Fellow
Bard Graduate Center invites scholars from university, museum, and independent backgrounds with a PhD or equivalent professional experience, to apply for non-stipendiary visiting fellowships, to be held during the 2023–24 academic year. Bard Graduate Center Visiting Fellowships, which are intended for scholars who have already secured means of funding, provide scholars with workspace in the Bard Graduate Center Research Center. Bard Graduate Center is a graduate research institute devoted to the study of the decorative arts, design history, and material culture, drawing on methodologies and approaches from art history, economic and cultural history, history of technology, material culture studies, philosophy, anthropology, and archaeology.
Geographic Focus
March 1, 2023
California Documentary Project Next Gen Grant
CDP NextGen grants support emerging documentary mediamakers ages 18 and under. California-based nonprofit organizations and public agencies, including schools, arts councils, tribal governments, and libraries, may apply for funding up to $15,000 to conduct youth media programming.
Geographic Focus
March 1, 2023
The National Sculpture Society (NSS) promotes excellence in sculpture that is inspired by the natural world. Programs include Sculpture Review magazine, the SculptureNews e-bulletin, monthly virtual interviews/discussions, scholarships, grants, exhibitions and competitions. Our Sculpture Celebration Conference features programs such as panel discussions, demonstrations, information sessions, studio tours and awards presentations. The Laura Ziegler Scholarship is for an emerging sculptor.
Geographic Focus
United States
March 6, 2023
New England States Touring Grants
New England States Touring (NEST) funds performances, readings, and screenings of work by regional, national, and international artists presented by New England-based nonprofit organizations. Applicants must be a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, school, federally recognized Indian tribal government, or unit of state or local government. Grants are available in amounts of up to 60% of the artists' fees and range from $500 to $10,000.
Geographic Focus
Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
March 1, 2023
Kimmel Harding Nelson Center Residency
The Kimmel Harding Nelson Center for the Arts awards up to seventy juried residencies per year to established and emerging visual artists, writers, composers, and interdisciplinary artists from across the country and around the world. Residencies are available for 2 to 8 weeks stays. Each resident receives a $100 stipend per week, free housing, and a private studio. .
Geographic Focus
March 1, 2023
Houston Center For Contemporary Craft
Houston Center for Contemporary Craft (HCCC) is a nonprofit arts organization dedicated to advancing education about the process, product and history of craft. The Center’s major emphasis is on objects of art made primarily from craft materials: clay, fiber, glass, metal, wood or found/recycled materials. The Artist Residency Program is designed to offer time and space for craft artists to focus on their creative work and interact with the public. Media accepted: Wood, Glass, Metal, Fiber, and Clay.
Geographic Focus
March 1, 2023
Millay Arts Residencies
From April through November, Millay Arts invites 6-7 multidisciplinary artists for month-long stays at Steepletop, the historic estate of poet/activist Edna St. Vincent Millay. Residents are selected through a selected blind jury process. The Core Residency consists of fully subsidized month-long stays April - November, fully subsidized two-week stays in June and September and fully subsidized five to seven day stays in December. Application deadline for August through November residencies is March 1.
Geographic Focus
March 1, 2023
The BKLYN CLAY Artist Residency program serves as a vehicle to honor and support the artistic vision and work of BIPOC artists, in an effort to promote equity, opportunity, and access within the field. Artists-in-residence are encouraged to use the residency to continue their current practice, execute specific projects, or experiment with ways of implementing clay into their practice with the support of BKLYN CLAY instructors and studio staff. Applicants must identify as Black, Indigenous and/or Person of Color.
Geographic Focus
March 6, 2023
2023 Arts Capacity Building Grant
The New York Community Trust invites applications for grants to build the capacity of arts and cultural organizations with operating budgets between $250,000 and $1.5 million. Grants are intended to support groups facing a critical juncture—a leadership change, merger, space transition, or other rare but significant opportunity or challenge. Requests should focus on a specific two- or three-year project designed to resolve administrative challenges, increase efficiency, start a new or refine an existing program, or explore other adaptive ways to help sustain the organization in the longer term.
Geographic Focus
New York
March 9, 2023
IEA Experimental Projects Residency
The Institute for Electronic Arts is a high technology research studio facility within the School of Art and Design, NYSCC, Alfred University, New York. One or two-week residency, with artist stipend, travel-support, lodging, technology access, materials, and technical assistance.The resident artists have 24-hour dedicated access to the IEA studio and equipment. The IEA research specialist will work with the resident artist. Additional technical staff and faculty are also available for consultation.
Geographic Focus
New York State
March 10, 2023
SHIFT Transformative Change and Indigenous Program
The Native Arts and Cultures Foundation advances equity and cultural knowledge, focusing on the power of arts and collaboration to strengthen Native communities and promote positive social change with American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Alaska Native peoples in the United States. Open to independent Native artists or Native artist collectives working in the disciplines of dance/choreography, fiction/poetry writing, film/video, multi-disciplinary arts, music, performance art, theater and screenplay writing, traditional arts or 2D + 3D visual arts.
Geographic Focus
United States
March 14, 2023
Transient Canvas Fellowship
Since 2017, Boston-based contemporary duo, Transient Canvas, have hosted their annual Composer Fellowship Program. Winners of the Composition Fellowship will receive a stipend of $1000, three performances of their works, audio/video recordings of the premiere performance, and workshops with Transient Canvas. Fellows are supplied with ample rehearsal time, workshops, etc. all on Zoom and recorded on ECamm for higher quality audio during our collaboration together. There is no requirement to be physically present for any part of the collaboration, including the performance. We offer flexible deadlines, with a goal of a world premiere performance in 2024.
Geographic Focus
March 15, 2023
Mid Atlantic Arts USAI Program
USArtists International is a Mid Atlantic Arts program designed to encourage the presence of U.S. performing artists on international stages and in the global arts community; to support engagements that develop and expand both the careers and artistic goals of U.S. performers by providing connections with presenters, curators, and fellow artists; and to promote justice in the arts community by elevating the diverse voices contributing to the vibrant array of creative expression in the United States. USAI provides grants of up to $18,000 toward eligible expenses.
Geographic Focus
United States
March 29, 2023
Creative Capital Wild Futures Grant
Creative Capital provides grants to artists to support the creation of groundbreaking new art via a democratic, national, open call process. Open to visual arts, film/moving image, multidisciplinary, and socially engaged project proposals.Grants are awarded through an annual competition open to citizens, permanent residents, and O-1 visa holders of the United States. Candidates must apply to Creative Capital in order to be considered.
Geographic Focus
United States
March 31, 2023
The Nervous Ghost Press Book Prize
Nervous Ghost Press is a nonprofit independent publisher committed to publishing quality work regardless of race, age, gender, sexuality, or education. The Nervous Ghost Press Prize is open to all writers in the United States of America. All work must be unpublished, original, and written by one author. Selected winners will receive $1000, publication, author copies, and a California Reading Tour.
Geographic Focus
United States
March 31, 2023
About Taji Senior
Taji Senior is an actor, theatre maker and cultural worker. Her artistic practice and field of artistic inquiry is rooted in the exploration of Blackness as an impossibility.