Inciter Art | Fractured Atlas

Member Spotlight: Rha Goddess of Move the Crowd

Written by Molaundo Jones | October 3, 2019

Rha Goddess is an entrepreneurial coach and serves as founder of Move the Crowd, a company committed to the professional development of artists and the transformation of “the culture of capitalism.” She has been a member of Fractured Atlas since 2011 and is based between New Jersey and Los Angeles.

How has Fractured Atlas benefitted your artistic practice and goals?
I became active in Fractured Atlas after attending a workshop on finding grants and writing proposals. I was touring a new performance piece and wanted to raise additional funds to support the tour. I walked out of that session thinking 'There is a whole world of resource and opportunity that I don’t even know about.' I then learned about Fractured Atlas' fiscal sponsorship program and from that moment on I was hooked!

How has Fractured Atlas benefitted your income generation or fundraising efforts (please quantify if possible)?
One of the greatest contributions Fractured Atlas has made to supporting my vision as a creative has been in the area of fundraising. To have an organization that helps you understand and conduct the business of your art is vital to your longevity and sustainability. I’ve been able to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars through this collaboration and with every new project and initiative that Move The Crowd takes on, I find myself asking, "How can we do more with FA?"

What specific Fractured Atlas services/programs have you used?
I began with just attending workshops and sponsored events, but quickly graduated to participating in the Fiscal Sponsorship program and have been active in that program for the last 8 years. I’m now exploring how I can give back to the organization because my work is all about helping creative change agents build sustainable ventures.

What has been one of your biggest challenges as an artist/entrepreneur and how did you push through it?
One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced as an artist and entrepreneur has been believing in myself and my vision. In the beginning, a lot of people didn’t really understand what I wanted to do and if I’d listened to their advice Move The Crowd never would have happened. When you are giving voice to a new idea, everybody may not understand or see what you see. That doesn’t mean it isn’t worthy to pursue. Part of why I am such a strong advocate for creatives is because I know how many amazing ideas die on the vine because that early stage encouragement and confidence is not there. I had to step out of the arts world and work on ME as a person and build that inner confidence and belief in my own ideas in order to bring a new level of resources and skills to my work.

Another challenge I faced was understanding the craft of my art vs the business of my art. Both are extremely important to the viability of an initiative or idea. Again, I obtained a very unorthodox business education outside of the arts world, but that education has been vital to my success and my ability to understand when I need to focus on my craft and when I need to handle my business!

What would you consider some of your biggest accomplishments?
I think one of the things I’m most proud of is the way that my venture, Move The Crowd has been able to support creatives. Over the years, we’ve personally hired and invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in employing their craft and skills in the production of our various programs, initiatives and events. We’ve also trained tens of thousands of creatives in how to make their dreams viable and we’ve helped over 150 creative change makers in our coaching programs earn and raise millions of dollars for their own ventures and initiatives. Finally, I’m most proud of the fact that we’ve been able to accomplish all of this while doing the work in a way that feels deeply aligned with our vision and our values.

Do you have any upcoming events and/or projects that people should know about?
As for new projects I have a new book coming out entitled The Calling: 3 Fundamental Shifts to Stay True, Get Paid, and Do Good. This book is a step-by-step blueprint for how to find your calling and define and achieve success on your own terms. In this book I take readers on a transformative journey that will enable them to confront and overcome anything that stands in the way of their own passion and purpose.

In addition to giving the reader access to most effective the principles and tools I’ve amassed over the last three decades, I also introduce them to our movement through the game-changing stories of 40 artists, entrepreneurs and organizational leaders who were all seeking to find their next level of courage, compensation and contribution.

Why do you think artists and organizations should become members of Fractured Atlas?
Anytime you are building something great, you want to be surrounded by the right kind of support. You want to be a part of a community that will enable you to access the knowledge, skills, resources and relationships that you will need in order to succeed. Fractured Atlas is one of those rare communities that aspires to empower artists and arts organizations be in the driver’s seat when it comes to their goals and aspirations.

What words of wisdom do you have for other artists aspiring to bring their creative projects to life?
You are here for a reason. Whatever you aspire to create and contribute to the world is possible. Take the time to dream and vision. Take the necessary steps to invest in yourself (i.e. knowledge, skills, craft) and find environments and communities that will feed and support you both in the evolution of your craft and in the growth of your business. We need you!

You can learn more about Rha Goddess and Move the Crowd at, on Instagram and Twitter at @rhagoddess, and on Facebook at