Inciter Art | Fractured Atlas

CultureFlash: February 17, 2016

Written by Fractured Atlas | February 18, 2016

Arts, Technology, and Business Stories To Watch by Fractured Atlas

Every week, we find the most interesting and important stories at the intersection of the Arts, technology, and business and share them with you. (If you’d like to get these in your e-mail inbox you can subscribe to here).

Check back every week for insightful and eye-opening stories that peaked our interest, and hopefully yours too.

OPINION: The DMCA is Broken for Filmmakers Like Me.
“As a result, the DMCA inadvertently chills fair use and other lawful activities that are central to free expression in a democracy and the livelihoods of other filmmakers like me. In a democracy, we cannot keep culture locked up.”

Why we need to be okay with millennials managing upwards.
“These aren’t just kids with toys anymore. This is a generation who hasn’t just been raised on mobile and tech, but one that understands that information is a valuable currency.”

Meet the Race-Conscious Bechdel Test: The DuVernay Test.
“And, to an extent, that’s true of Sundance at its best… where numerous selections pass the Bechdel test […] and, in honor of the director and Sundance alumna Ava DuVernay, what might be called the DuVernay test, in which African-Americans and other minorities have fully realized lives rather than serve as scenery in white stories.”

Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) by Silento

Meet the company that creates viral dance videos to make songs massive hits.
“To capitalize on the potential of dance videos, and turn them into a money-making format, Taylor sought to create ‘a third party that wasn’t the individual artist, and wasn’t the platform.’ That idea turned into DanceOn, which makes money not just by taking percentages of ad revenue, but also by doing sponsorship deals directly with brands like Coca-Cola, Sony, and Reebok.”

OPINION: Philanthropists shouldn’t shape our national agenda.
“We need to remember that capitalism has institutionalised the act of giving. […] Most importantly, evidence shows that as they give out such immense amounts, super-rich fellows end up controlling how societies are run.”

The connection between the arts and neighborhood diversity.
“Ultimately, the study finds that new nonprofit arts organizations in New York City are attracted to and located in neighborhoods with a mix of finance, creative, tech, and media industries. While these arts organizations can be found in neighborhoods with various levels of diversity, they are less likely to be located in disadvantaged or struggling neighborhoods.”

A novel idea for regulating Airbnb. [BONUS: Check out this cool Airbnb of van Gogh’s bedroom]
“Rather than imposing blanket limitations on Airbnb citywide, or on the flipside allowing Airbnb to continue business as usual, the authors suggest that cities like London consider a scheme of “transferable sharing rights.” The idea is that the city could distribute a scarce number of “rental rights” to city residents in such a way that allows a more even spread of both the economic benefits (income for renters and revenues for local businesses) and negative externalities (impacts on housing markets and disruption of community life).”

Why historic preservation districts are crucial to cities.
“In short, many Americans today want their homes and workplaces to be unique and distinctive — exactly the kind of distinctiveness, character, and sense of place that historic preservation districts provide.”

Artist bill introduced in Senate that would makeartist visa process easier and more affordable.
“All Americans benefit from greater access to the world’s best performers and artists. However, because of unreliable visa processing delays, many of our nonprofit arts organizations risk financial harm if they are unable to present artists as planned.”